In not too distant future, the already heated polity would swallow another tons of fuel to suit the customary furnace of the electioneering. The drummers are quite prepared and handy to execute swiftly, the bidding of their pipers. For such a slippery nay con enterprise, only professionals who have secured for themselves a niche close to infamy survive, not apprentices whose consciences suffer ethical prosecution and hounding to think back and heed yearnings of the penurious masses.
We are actually in a testy time, and the not too sensate minds risk being railroaded to rounds of another political nondescript. The new normal, has been to familiarize and wear down our eyes into mental non cognitiveness with their benign faces though contrary of hearts cramming every vertical frame doting our roads, even when the caveats reads post no bill, offering a vantage to peep into the impending threat to rule of law and the general democratic principles. This is the pre-hypnotic stage of the murky game. Here, all weapons viable for purpose must find their way to the deck, as taking chances is a luxury which only the unlearned afford.
Like the game of chess, where two camouflaging masters are embroidered in a brain-teasing race to outwit each other, so also in the political marathon, only masters whose adeptness in mismanaging fault lines and sentiments to feather their nest cruise home to victory.

An unenthusiastic part of this round-trip game of chance is the sad absence of clear dissected governance blueprints, dramatized sustainable policy drafts and pathways to enroute them into results.

Another comes the resurgence of self-appointed Messiahs echoing from North to South of their messianic home coming to drench the misty eyes of the people and to drag out the masses from hellhole they have been dispatched to for crazy years.
Interestingly, these crop of morally troubled graduands of graft and unforgivable squadermania, in their time either by express commission and or omission while pussyfooting round corridors of high power contributed massively if not wholly to this wet eyes they have suddenly noticed, with bogus claims to rid of factors that breed this breakdown. They shirked the rarest vacancy to redirect the future while the time lasted only to cry woes when the nipples have been taken away from their reach. Nature would always have a way to unhorse, if not a remunerative scheme for promoters of “me” culture, those card carrying apostles of machiavellian unorthodox principles, that the prince should be the mistress of every attention. The poetic justice is deservedly sorrow- ridden, a descent from grace to grass.

A poser to Ndi Enugu, which demands well deserved consideration from all and sundry is the character who not only reflects the will of the people but also represents Ugwuanyi’s continuity government programs. The credo reverberating from every quarter of the state has been who can step into Ugwuanyi’s big shoes and move the State to our dream place.
In as much as, this itching question may be denied of response, a consistent home truth has been issued out since, that Ugwuanyi threading on the blazing guidance of providence, a lot must have been achieved. Ndi Enugu needs to leverage on the exercise of Ugwuanyi’s gift of prescient in determining the Enugu State radar as curtain draws for election tangle.

We should not by the forces of rehumanized predators allow ourselves to be shoehorned to grieving brethren bereft of shepherd. Governor Ugwuanyi deserves our trust and support to facelift Enugu State, even as the greater Nigerian community clamour for his services at the national sphere. He knows what is best for Ndi Enugu and can not toy with the economic and political lives of the people, particularly the underprivileged whom he has dwelt in their tent over time and again.

The truth about possibilities still lay buried in the dictum of John Scully, when he enthused that ” The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious”
Governor Ugwuanyi’s unbridled drive to transformational leadership, resourcefulness and exuberance can only be misapprehended by detractors whose delight for frivolous manhunt are undiluted. Often than not, shame overwhelms their fault finding expedition with some hands burnt, yet Ugwuanyi practice has routinely been turning eyes away from the misdemeanors and provocations offered at extreme times to rile him.
The terms of Ndi Enugu bargain as expected shouldn’t be at cross-purposes with that which Mr. Fulfilment is known for, creating peaceful environment for living and doing business.
Enugu State remains in the Hands of God.

Written by
Mrs. Bibian Anekwe
SSA to the Governor of Enugu State
Enugu Di N’akachukwu Movement (DG)


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