Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and the Raising of the Political Man


Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi is benevolent. He is the spirit that cracks many hard nuts for many a toothless and spent folks grounded in political wilderness. Ugwuanyi has pulled up from the dungeon many a politically retired folk who had lost hope of resuscitation. He lifted them from the ground and raised them to the lofty heights of relevance
within the political space.

Life is full of vicissitudes as egg is full of meat. Some political gladiators who had bestridden the political landscape in larger-than-life manner like giants had found themselves brought down the political rung where they could not have imagined. Some of these politicians did not help matters. While they were in power, they played most foul for it and did not give a thought to what would become of life after power. Many of such folks were Machiavellian and didn’t behave as though they knew tomorrow might hold a different thing for them.

Power is as transient as life and as evanescent as performance. Our place on earth is but temporary and so a good leader treads gingerly across the surface of power, knowing that it is one of the vanities of life. Governor Ugwuanyi seems to have fully soaked in this fact and so has not in anyway allowed power to derail him. He has this way of maintaining peace with all men and manages relationships very well with human face,despite the much power at his disposal as the governor of a state. He is humble and wears the toga of power with unassuming airs.

Ugwuanyi did pull from the dungeon many former-this-former-that who had gone lame and so had no political feet anywhere, some of whom had been governors, ministers, commissioners, LG chairmen,SSAs, to mention no more.His Excellency, Governor Ugwuanyi, stretched his benevolent hand and drew them out of the dark realm of irrelevance. Some of them were given tickets to run for elective offices and leveraging on Ugwuanyi’s goodwill, they emerged victorious.Some were given appointments. One needed to see the situation of these political men to appreciate what Ugwuanyi has done for them. Story had it that a one-time local government chairman had so much slid into poverty that he was seen in one Nkwo market with a polythene bag haggling with market women over the prices of cups of garri. The former chairman was said to have lived in opulence while he ruled and had trampled on many feet then in arrogant display of power and riches. They said he had a fleet of posh cars but now rode a rickety Morris often pushed before the engine could come alive as he could not afford car battery. All that he had greedily and selfishly gathered had developed wings and flew away before his own very eyes. It was such persons as this former chairman that Ugwuanyi reached out to and raised above their woefully pitiable condition.Some of these political men are elderly ones who had held political offices before. Ugwuanyi remembered them as David would Jonathan and extended his benevolence to them graciously.

It was this act of grace that some disgruntled fellow who had also benefitted from the Ugwuanyi administration in their unguarded utterances erroneously referred to as prebendalism. Prebendalism is not an act of grace. It is a deliberate act of clannishness and cronyism which of course has no place in the Ugwuanyi administration.

Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has shown the world what leadership entails and the personality type that fits well into leadership. Ugwuanyi is a child of God. He has the spirit of God inside of him and it manifests in the fruit he bears. It is the fruit of the spirit which includes love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness,, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance, as we read in Galatians 5: 22-23. Ugwuanyi’s boughs are full of the fruit and never lacks in any of it. It could even be that some of these political men might not have treated Ugwuanyi well while they held sway and regaled themselves with selfish luxury of riches and power, but Ugwuanyi has no animosity in him. He loves God and men. In his good heart, he thinks others and does everything to make life better for his fellow man within his capacity.

Bearing fruit as a matter of fact is part of the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are saved to save others. You are empowered to empower others. Those Ugwuanyi has positively touched and empowered,those raised from the low quarters, should also think of raising others and if they had in the past viewed life from the narrow prism of self, now is the time to thaw and unlearn the monstrous attitude they had exhibited in the past and sink in from the master the real values embedded in selfless living which His Excellency,Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi epitomizes.

Written by

©️ Reuben Onyishi

A Political Analyst

Media Team Member: Enugu Di n’Akachukwu Movement


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